Amphasys (Root LU) – Good news about Amphasys: Ampha P20 was named one of the 10 most innovative products of 2021 by Seed World.
Applicants from across the seed industry recently jockeyed to gain the inaugural honor of being named on of Seed World’s 10 Most Innovative Products of 2021. Those selected will be honored with a badge for their websites that describes the win, an article online and in Seed World print and the opportunity to describe the innovation on the weekly video series Seed Speaks.
After reviewing an incredible number of applications, Seed World Group editors selected winners based on the following criteria:
- Related to seed
- Commercial launch between Nov. 1, 2020 and Nov. 1, 2021
- Is unique and a potential game-changer for the sector it impacts
- Market potential (given its sector)
- Impact on grower/ROI
- Societal Impact
- Scalability
- Overall innovative qualities
The 10 products include seed traits, seed treatment and technology related to seed development.
This year’s winners are (in alphabetical order by company):
- AgVoice, by AgVoice Global
- Air-Dryable Direct DNA qPCR Plant, Meridian Lifesciences
- Ampha P20, Amphasys
- Kan-7, Kannar
- PhycoTerra ST, Heliae
- ROXY Rice Production System, Albaugh LLC
- SuperSede Line of Seed Treatment Products, FBSciences
- Teraxxa Seed Treatment, BASF
- XtendFlex soybean, Bayer
Due to a high number of applicants, Seed World will be providing honorable mentions to other products that showcase great potential. They include:
- Malted hemp hearts by Newfields Consulting
- Tiros by Unium Bioscience Limited
- ES Capello Protect by Lidea Seeds
- Sirrus Suite by Proagrica
- Visual Phenotyping Resource Planner by Alteia
- Tamia Optimum by Tamia Pack
- Cannabis F1 Hybrid Seeds by Better Seeds
- Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution by S&W
- Radix Wintergreen
- AYOS molecular test by Ayos Diagnostic
- Lalfix Start Spherical by Lallemand
- Climate Planning Platform by ClimateAi
Stay tuned more information and more detail on the winners in upcoming online, print and video articles.