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A Chat with the Ambassador

Lucerne Business – Michelle Abboud, Vice-President North America at Business Development Lucerne, was invited recently to sit down with Ambassador Börlin for a Chat with the Ambassador. They talked about Switzerland’s beneficial business location factors as well as about the perks of Lucerne as a business destination for American companies.

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Signifikant AG – Finn Stein verstärkt

Signifikant AG – Als Chief Data & Analytics Officers verantwortet Finn Stein neu den Bereich der Analyse und das Product Development (Quelle: Im Zuge des starken Wachstums des Marketing Technology Startups Signifikant wird die Geschäftsleitung um Finn Stein erweitert. Stein hat neu die Rolle des Chief Data & Analytics Officers inne und verantwortet in…

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Cowa Thermal Solutions AG

Interview with Remo Waser, Founder of Cowa Thermal Solutions

Cowa Thermal Solutions AG is a spin-off from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and was founded almost 3 years ago by Jörg Worlitschek, Remo Waser and Simon Maranda. The company develops compact thermal energy storage systems based on phase change materials for building technology. The technology can be combined with renewable energy…

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Technopark Luzern wird Netzwerkpartner des Green Business Award

Für die dringend notwendigen Veränderungen brauchen wir Vorbilder, an denen sich Entscheidungsträger und Entscheidungsträgerinnen orientieren. Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit dem Technopark Luzern als Netzwerkpartner des “Green Business Award” unseren Beitrag dazu leisten dürfen.

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Swiss company MEquadrat AG builds test systems with decentralized servo technology from KOLLMORGEN

MEquadrat (Root LU) – Materials with optoelectronic functions are an indispensable part of electrical components today. Users need to know the material’s precise internal molecular structure before the components are installed so that these then work reliably in the application. MEquadrat (ME2) builds test systems for this purpose that are designed as a rotary indexing…

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